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Our Values
At LMI, we believe in Honesty and Integrity above all.  These attributes form the cornerstone for everything we do.

Next, we promise to provide you with high quality products and services.  We treat each and every project as if we were doing it for ourselves. We want you to be proud to show your completed project to others. And above all have it meet or exceed your expectations.

Finally, we will provide you with our products and services at an exceptional value. We have virtually no overhead so you can feel comfortable that the money you spend is focused on your project.

Our Customers
Although LMI has the capacity to take on multiple projects with our consultants and partners, we take care in not over-extending ourselves.  It is our way of living up to the values we are founded on.

LMI's professionals have delivered products and services to a prestigious list of government and private industry clients. 

Our Professionals
Our professionals have the real-world experience in serving in key leadership positions in Emergency Management, Public, Safety, Federal and Local government, and private industry.  They have written policies, plans and procedures for government and private industry, trained and exercised thousands of participants from local, state, and federal agencies, and private industry, and served in leadership roles in the response and recovery of some of the nation's worst disasters (Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina, September 11 attack on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, anthrax release at the U.S. Capitol and many more.



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